We have so many thoughts, pictures, and stories to tell and process through; but I must start somewhere. School has put a damper on my time to blog but I will use my free time and study breaks to share with you. First of all... THANK YOU for "going" with us to Ghana. There was not a day that we didn't feel covered in prayer and support. With that said, this journey is not over... We have new brothers and sisters halfway across the world that will forever be in our lives. We invite you to "do life" with them as well. I have put up all of our pictures on Jeremy's Facebook account since my was deleted in Ghana. If you have any questions along this journey, please don't hesitate to ask!! We cannot express how grateful we are to you. NOW... as I promised, you will see those precious dresses again but this time on the bodies of some deserving little girls.                                                

Mrs. Arnett, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. Liedle, Momma Miller, Mrs. Naler, 
Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. Kolinsky, Mrs. Hamilton, and Mrs. Stone

I hope you read this and realize you became a momma to 20 little girls last week. By sacrificing your time and gifts to make those dresses, you provided HOPE to these girls. I was able to put the dresses on the little ones and look them in the eye and tell them "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND WORTHY." They do not have mommy's lap to sit on or a daddy to tell them they are "pretty." So in that moment, YOU were their moms and I can't tell you how much that means to me because I have fallen in love with these girls. Two of the girls were not there when we gave out the dresses but I left some for them to have later. I hope each of you can read this and accept our deepest thanks for what you have done!

Putting Esther's dress on :)

Esther Pretty in Pink

Annie was so proud of her new dress!

Ruth :)

Isha, Enam, and Esther



Nestine and Djournu


Me with all the young girls

Johnson, Esther, me, and Annie :)

Delight, Blessing, and Mighty looking beautiful

Me with Suzzy and Blessing!

Ruth and her stunning eyes!  

If anyone is interested in making more dresses, you can use fabric or a pillow case. Click on this link to see the pattern 

If you would like to send dresses or donate fabric or pillowcases, please leave a comment or send me a message. There are many more girls who would love to receive "Hope" in the form of a new dress. It is a wonderful picture of CHRIST'S LOVE.  Also, for all of you creative ones out there who want to make shorts or tops for the boys.... it's a thought :) Let me know if you fins a good pattern so I can post it for others. I hope your day is filled with ABUNDANT JOY!!



  1. Our thanks to all who helped my children. God bless you and reward you very much. I can't tell how joyful is it for them to have you in their lives. We are satisfied by your love and concern. I was in mine today even while writing an exam and looked very handsome. God bless you very much as you make changes in far places from you. Smile, John

  2. K- Just read this post. I'll link it on my blog if that's okay!! What a gift to these girls!! Huge blessings to all of them. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to speak truth over them, "You are beautiful and worthy." Hope to hear more from you soon about the trip and little ones. I'm sure you are still processing so much!! If there's anything you can share about our son, I'd be grateful. Praying for you both!


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