What Blesses, Not Burdens..
As I looked back through my blog posts, I realized I ask whoever reads this to give ALOT... give of their time, resources, gifts, life. And for a little bit, I felt bad and hesitated to write this next post but then I realized that is right where Satan wants us.. afraid to ask on behalf of the Kingdom.. afraid to be bold for the poor, orphaned, and widowed. This summer some of my dearest friends and I are walking through Beth Moore's study on the breathtaking life of James. Last night, we were challenged to move our passive faith to active.
"My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality." -I John 3:18
So.. we have a way to practice REAL LOVE to our community. Until next Monday (6/18/12), we are collecting items for Hope Resource Center and The Restoration House.
They are in need of:
Diapers (newborn, size 1, size 2)
Bottles, Pacifiers
Infant Thermometers
Infant Bath Tubs
Infant Gowns
Infant Onesies
(Note: clean, second-hand clothing is welcome! Consider shopping consignment for some good options!)
If you prefer, they are always in need of Walmart or Target Gift Cards for the staff to pick up some larger items when mothers are in need (ie: car seats, etc).
In the introduction to the James' study, Beth has encouraged us to
"Do only what blesses and not what burdens"
These things that I post are not an obligation. They are not to make you feel guilty. They are meant to open doors to tangible ways your can practice HIS LOVE in your community and around the world.
If you are interested in donating any items, you can contact me or you can give them to any of these girls if you know them and your paths will cross this week!!
(Lauren Love, Kristin Bailey, Becca Friar, Kelsey Cruze, Chelsea Childress,
Rachel Friar, Amanda Harb, Wendy Hill)
*Also if you are a lady and would like to join us, there has only been one week and you can go early next week and get caught up. It's going to rock our world :)!! Just let me know!
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